Showing posts with label moonshot. Show all posts

REVIEW: Moonshot Cream Paint #102 Candy Stick, #103 Strawberry Gelato, #804 Dragon Fruit, #808 Orange Souffle

If you had asked me what the #1 Korean makeup brand I've been dying to try was, I'd say it's Moonshot in a heartbeat (and JUNGSAEMMOOL, definitely). Moonshot has always been one of those brands I've always lusted after. It's partly because of the aesthetic/marketing, but mostly because G-Dragon was once the brand ambassador. Uh hello, G-Dragon could sell me dirt and I would still buy it!

Despite being launched a few years ago, Moonshot remains a brand that is not easily accessible online. My boyfriend gifted me these shades which he purchased from StyleKorean, but I do not (I REPEAT, I DO NOT) recommend shopping at StyleKorean at all. I have a lot to say about this store and will probably save it for a future store review. Long story short, expect poor customer service, unresponsiveness, and the possibility of expired or close to expiring products. Anywho, lets get on with the review and swatches!