Hi lovelies!

I should be writing a paper right now (the college life sucks), but I just wanted to update you guys on some new changes! You may or may not have noticed, but I just updated my blog URL to a more permanent one that I like a lot more than the previous one. My NEW URL is :D

I never liked the extra 'u' in pointofvuu, so I finally decided that I needed to change it to one I can keep for (hopefully) forever. :) 

Also, I wanted to be able to have matching URL and social media handles. Yup, I also updated all of my social media accounts for my blog to have the handle @thepointofvu! So go follow me on Instagram if you haven't already and my new Twitter account that I made specifically for my blog. 

I love you guys and I hope the new change isn't too confusing! 

Yours truly,

1 comment

  1. Congratulations on your new URL Mary, I hope to see it around for a long time :)
